All social marketing Blogs

#GivingTuesday: A Brand's Social Responsibility During Times of Crisis

When our reality is shaken by local, national, or even worldwide events, what is a brand’s social responsibility? You might be thinking, is it best to join the conversation, or is it best to stay silent. The answer? As it so often is, “it depends” – but I promise you can do something – especially through #GivingTuesday

Posted May 5, 2020

Behavior Change Marketing: Improving Health in Oklahoma… and Beyond.

VI has been at the forefront of behavior change marketing for years, based on our client mix and passion for making the world a better place.

Posted Mar 29, 2018

3 Social Media Tips to Make 2018 Your Brand’s Best Year Yet

With the constant changes in social media, it’s harder than ever to figure out exactly what you should (or shouldn’t) be doing for your brand. Lucky for you, I’m here to lay it down, with a few simple tips that will make 2018 your best year yet! 

Posted Mar 1, 2018

How to use LinkedIn in your B2B marketing strategy

On its surface, LinkedIn is often thought of as a tool for professionals to connect to further their personal careers. However, I imagine if you’re reading this blog, you know it can be a powerful tool to execute a successful B2B marketing strategy. 

Posted Jan 8, 2018