Behavior Change Marketing: Improving Health in Oklahoma… and Beyond.
VI has been at the forefront of behavior change marketing for years, based on our client mix and passion for making the world a better place.
Through our work and experience, we have become experts in behavior change marketing, specifically in the area of public health. Together with our clients, we have worked to share this knowledge and insight with other states and national groups to help them be more efficient and effective with their public health efforts.
VI is leading the charge in showing how digital and social media can be effective ways to reach specific targets and affect behaviors. Some of the topics VI has presented on include:
- Adding Pinterest to Your Social Strategy
- Rethinking a Creative Campaign Launch to Impact Behavior
- Changing Health Behaviors Through Social Media Engagement
- Capitalizing on Life Moments to Impact Behavior
- Utilizing Multiple Media Tactics to Create a Successful Digital Campaign
- Optimizing Your Website to Convert Users
- Why Targeted Email Marketing Should be in Your Inbox
- Like, Tweet, Follow: Crafting a Social Strategy to Influence Behavior Change
We have presented at conferences across the nation, including:
- National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media
- CDC Office on Smoking and Health Media Network Webinar - with partners like the FDA and other public health entities nation-wide
- Southern Obesity Summit
- National Conference on Health or Tobacco
- Agents of Change Summit
Digital and social media can often seem overwhelming to public health efforts based on budgets, knowledge limitations and funding restrictions. But digital and social media can often make budgets go further and can often be more efficient for reaching specific target audiences.
VI strives to be a leader in behavior change marketing, and with our background and expertise, we will continue to focus on improving health in Oklahoma… and beyond.