All Digital Media (3) Blogs

How to Define Digital Marketing Success

It’s no surprise digital marketing is dominating the ad buying space. Time spent online is predicted to account for 46.7 percent of total time spent with media, and as a result marketers are projected to spend 17 percent more in the digital space this year alone.

Posted Oct 7, 2015

Marketers: Define And Take Advantage Of Programmatic Media Buying

If you’re like other marketers, you’ve probably noticed that advertising is changing. Even though the first banner ad appeared 21 years ago, it seems the changes in digital advertising have recently been moving faster than the speed of light.

Posted Aug 24, 2015

Why Facebook Ads Are Great for Your Business Objectives

If you're a business that still posts to Facebook and prays that your target demo will see it, just stop it. It probably has never worked and never will. And because it has never worked, you are probably in the camp that thinks social media doesn't work. Here we go. Strap in.

Posted Jul 6, 2015

How to Measure Digital Marketing ROI in 6 Steps

“Half of the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” John Wanamaker didn’t have big data and cloud storage to prove the worth of his advertising. What’s your excuse?

Posted Jan 27, 2015