Another new employee at VI - Meet Matt Lowery
I asked our newest employee (started Monday), Cinematographer/Editor Matt Lowery, do shoot me a short bio for the VI Blog. Below is straight from the man himself.
Career Info
My name is Matt Lowery, and I’m a cinematographer and editor here at VI. I spent the last chapter of my life creating media as a freelancer, and am thrilled about joining the team here. The thing I love about this place most is the people. It’s incredibly rare to find such a mix of talent, work ethic, and creative taste. From the start, VI has always been about producing excellent work, and I love that.
I’m excited about working with our clients to create compelling films for web and television. The medium of Story is so rich; we get to invite the viewer into any world we can create, if only for a moment. Helping our clients build that world is an incredibly fun job, and I’m looking forward to dreaming up big things with our team.
I’m originally from Broken Arrow, OK, but we relocated to Deer Creek in 2002. I’ve got a beautiful wife named Caroline, and a cat named Ziba who may or may not be plotting to kill me as we speak (I sit in her favorite chair often- big mistake). I’m a songwriter and composer in my spare time and I make a mean cup of coffee. Star Trek over Star Wars any day; Picard over Kirk every day. I did karate as a kid and stopped as a purple belt (why there is a purple belt in a sport where you beat people up, I’ll never know- I digress.)
Matt mentions being a songwriter/composer…but he didn’t mention how good he is…I found that out on my own with some searching. :) Check it out here: http://www.facebook.com/mattlowerymusic
Matt, welcome to the VI family. Looks like you’ll fit right in.