VI Employee Spotlight: Julie Rowell | VI Marketing Blogs
Hailing from a “good-sized town” of Tulsa, Oklahoma came the meek and marvelous Julie Rowell.
Just a “small town” girl.
Coming from a city of a million residents and a graduating high school class of 800, Julie doesn’t exactly seem like a small town girl. But that’s exactly how she describes her experience growing up in Tulsa. And her sense of modesty extends to her life story. She claims there’s nothing interesting to tell, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Want to fathom Julie? Dig deeper.
After a little delving, you’ll find something rich and fascinating beneath the surface. Like how she became acquainted with the profession of print production. When Julie was growing up, her dad would take her to the bindery where he worked. After seeing him maneuver giant cutting machines, piece together three-ring binders and produce vinyl products, she was enthralled. It inspired her to earn a degree in Graphic Art and Printing Management from NSU. Eventually then it led her straight to VI.
But did Julie approach us? Of course not. We had to do some digging — even if it was accidental serendipitous. You see, before we met Julie, we met her husband Jason. During his job interview at VI, he let slip that his wife was a print production ninja. After his interview, our team used the intel to bring Julie in for an interview. And the rest is history.
As for Jason? No hard feelings. Right, Jason?
Julie has green thumbs.

Outside the office, Julie is a horticultural hobbyist. Spending time in the garden brings a sense of calm and balance to her life. And her knack for nurturing translates beautifully in her profession. Julie has spent years nourishing relationships with vendors who bring VI’s innovative branding to life. And when our creative team dreams up never-before-seen ideas, those alliances bear fruit. Julie leverages her connections to attack obstacles and turn the most challenging concepts into reality. That’s who Julie is. She treats everyone with profound respect. And she gets it back tenfold.
If you ask Julie about herself, she won’t tell you much. But if you ask us about this problem-solving Wonder Woman, we couldn’t tell you enough.