Trick or Tweet

Author: Tim Berney
Posted: Aug 5, 2010

Topics: Social Media

Twitter might just one day own the digital realm. This seemingly benign application wields great influence for digital connectors, offering instant connections with a select group, to deliver messaging and news on a moment’s notice. But wait – that’s not the best part!


Your community can respond to events happening in real-time, giving you a 360-degree point of view. Twitter gives instant credibility to thoughts, opinions and recommendations. It’s word-of-mouth at its best. The trick for marketers, advertisers and business in general is learning how to monetize this exponential communication wonderland.

Remember that vintage shampoo commercial that asked you to lather up and then tell two friends, and they’ll tell two friends and they’ll tell two friends and so on? That’s Twitter. Except, you’ve got more than two friends, right? 

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