Updated Features: Using Pinterest for Business in 2015

Author: Rachel Merritt
Posted: Apr 16, 2015

So you’re a marketer on Pinterest and you either have access to Promoted Pins or you are on Pinterest’s waiting list - maybe you’re not sold on the idea quite yet. Well, according to Pinterest, promoted pins receive a 30% bump in earned media and most advertisers saw an extra 5% in earned media in the months following the end of campaigns. But, before you start promoting every Pin in sight, take the time to ensure your audience will have the richest experience possible.


Pinterest’s “Rich Pins” include extra information within the pin itself. Why are Rich Pins so important? First off, they rank higher in search results. Plus, you’re providing additional information upfront that will give users the extra incentive to click through to your website.

There are six types of Rich Pins:

  1. App: includes an install button (iOS apps only).

    Rich Pin Pinterest

  2. Movie: includes ratings, cast members and reviews.

    Pinterest Movie

  3. Recipe: includes ingredients, cook time and servings.

    Pinterest Recipe

  4. Article: includes headline, description and author information.

    Pinterest Article

  5. Product: includes pricing, availability and where to buy.

    Pinterest Product

  6. Place: includes address, map and phone number.

    Pinterest Place

Once you’ve launched your Promoted and Rich Pins, be sure to tap into Pinterest’s revamped analytics dashboard. Track your audience demographics, interests and your all-time best performing pins. Additional dashboard capabilities include:

  1. New profile data
  2. More website insights
  3. Platform metrics
  4. Insights into your best performing pins

The 70 million Pinterest users look forward to hearing from you. Happy Pinning.

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