Why Your SEO Organic Ranking is Important
Everyone wants their target audience to be able to find their business through the Internet. To do so, it’s important to rank on the first page of a search engine. Do people really scan through the SERP’s (Search Engine Results Page) to find the resources they’re looking for? According to Meditative, 76% of search engine results page clicks were to the top 4 organic listings. Here we’ll walk through the importance of organically ranking well.
Through recent studies, an approximate average of 8-9 seconds is all it takes for a user to scan the first SERP and choose a desired link to click on. This shows just how important it is for a business to understand what their target audience is searching for in order to grab the users attention within seconds. The higher your ranking within the SERP, the higher the percentage of clicks to your site.
Maybe users on search engines will specifically be looking for your business and click through to the second page. Think again. Only 6% of users click through to the second page of a search engine. As a user yourself, think about how many times you complete a search and click the ‘next’ link for the second page of the search engine. Probably not very often, if ever. In fact, advertising agencies actually joke about this matter claiming ‘the best place to hide a dead body is page two of the Google search results.’
Ranking within the top 4 organic listings is not an easy task. Google, alone, has over 200+ ranking factors to adhere to. However, as a business, if you thoroughly research and understand your target audience, you’re half way there! Research the resources they’ll be searching for while clicking through to your site via organic listings. With specific research efforts, you will be on your way to increase your organic traffic!