A New Dawn
Seen the new effort from Dawn dishwashing liquid soap? The campaign is about how their product is used to clean wildlife that has been in an oil spill. In one swoop they appear environmentally conscious, green, community minded, and obviously more than good enough to clean my dirty dishes.
And they are able to use baby animals (second only to human babies for emotional response) in their spot without appearing contrived or self serving. All of this in a :30 spot. Brilliant!
Their web site doesn’t put this campaign front and center on the home page, so they’re missing out on connecting with new avid fans. But, there are so many extensions that could come from this campaign that could support the brand, it’s mind boggling: a line of grooming products for pets, stuffed animals and other licensed products, combined event and cause marketing opportunities, public relations, and on and on. Let’s see if they’re on their game…
Click here to view.