VI Marketing and Branding - Colorado Springs ADDYs
"Who’s Your ADDY?"
For those unfamiliar with VI Marketing and Branding, we consist of three branches in the midwest: Colorado Springs, Kansas City and Oklahoma City.
A couple weeks ago, our headquartered Oklahoma City branch got to flex their muscles at the ADDYs (2012 OKC Recap) and this past weekend, Colorado Springs got to show what they’re made of (and it includes a Best of Show in Broadcast!).
On Saturday March 3, VI Marketing and Branding piled into the Downtown Colorado Springs Antlers Hilton joining 40 other companies in anticipation of our name being called to hoist home a beautiful and shiny ADDY Award. If you were with “Team VI" that night, you were all smiles.
VI Marketing and Branding practically swept the Gold ADDY Awards taking home the most golds in the room - winning gold in 9 separate categories (2 of which were Gold District ADDYs) and also claiming the prize in 5 silvers. On top of all these accolades, VI Marketing and Branding also won Best of Show in Broadcast - truely showing off our full-service capabilities.
Along with the 14 new ADDYs that will take their place up in their new location at 102 S. Tejon, our amazing intern Laura Schnarr was awarded something to write home about - winning her own Student Silver ADDY. BOOM.
Congratulations to our amazing team for another year of being recognized for the hard work it takes to be on top.
To learn more about VI Marketing and Branding, contact us at Social@VIMarketingandbranding.com or at any of our three locations:
125 Park Avenue, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
102 S. Tejon, Suite 1100
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
1910 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64108
List our awards:
Best of Broadcast – YOUtilities Challenge
OUT-OF-HOME, Out-of-Home Campaign
A Silver ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for Naturally - Recycling Bins done for Colorado Springs Utilities
26 A - NEWSPAPER, Newspaper, Fractional Page
A Silver ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for Naturally: ‘Cut Cooling Costs’ done for Colorado Springs Utilities
A Silver ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for Naturally: “Clearly See the Savings" done for Colorado Springs Utilities
30 A - NEWSPAPER, Newspaper Campaign
A Silver ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for Naturally done for Colorado Springs Utilities
We were recognized for our District Addys from 2010.
2010 GOLD DISTRICT ADDY to VI Marketing and Branding for United States Air Force Academy Football Micro Site
2010 GOLD DISTRICT ADDY to VI Marketing and Branding for United States Air Force Academy Football Micro Site Football, Hockey, Basketball Micro Site
36 C - INTERACTIVE MEDIA, Micro or Mini Sites
A Silver ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for YOUtilities Challenge Facebook Application done for Colorado Springs Utilities
36 J - INTERACTIVE MEDIA, Internet Commercials
A Gold ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for YOUtilities Challenge: Entry Video done for Colorado Springs Utilities
A Gold ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for YOUtilities Challenge: Voting Video done for Colorado Springs Utilities
A Gold ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for YOUtilities Challenge: How To Video done for Colorado Springs Utilities
37 - INTERACTIVE MEDIA, Online Campaign
A Gold ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for YOUtilities Challenge done for Colorado Springs Utilities
A Gold ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for YOUtilities Challenge: Entry Video done for Colorado Springs Utilities
A Gold ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for YOUtilties Challenge: Voting Video done for Colorado Springs Utilities
53 - MIXED/MULTIPLE MEDIA, Mixed-Media, Local Consumer
A Gold ADDY® Award goes to VI Marketing and Branding for YOUtilities Challenge done for Colorado Springs Utilities
S01 A - STUDENT ADDY Categories, Packaging
A Student Silver ADDY® goes to Laura Schnarr for Mason Jennings CD Package done for Pikes Peak Community College