VI Employee Spotlight: Valerie Trammell
It’s safe to say: Valerie Trammell eats her Wheaties.
As one of VI’s Senior Marketing Strategists, Valerie has quickly made a name for herself in the ever-evolving marketing arena. Her passion, drive and utter brilliance have garnered success for multiple clients, and she’s got her own marketing trophy case to prove it. Always a leader, she serves on the Public Relations Society of America board in OKC and as the chair for the Upper Case Awards two years running. Her wit is sharper than a steel dart tip. And when it comes to behavior-change marketing, her strategies hit the bull’s eye every time.
So where did this competitive spirit and gusto for greatness come from? Our best guess: sports.
Born in Edmond, Oklahoma, Valerie tumbled into the world like Simone Biles in Rio. And she’s exuded athletic excellence ever since. Hell, she was still in diapers when she dunked her first basketball.
It didn’t take long for Val to go from dribbling her drool to dribbling the ball through the lane and to the hoop. And when she wasn’t shootin’ some b-ball outside of school, she was chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool on the baseball diamond. Not surprisingly, Valerie’s talents landed her on an all-boys squad. But after a few seasons of web gems, base hits and parental politics, she moved from baseball with the boys to softball with the girls. Apparently the boys were tired of getting shown up.
In high school, she added a few more sports to her repertoire, including volleyball and field hockey. And in college at Oklahoma State University, she added flag football, ultimate Frisbee, dodgeball, handball, intramural checkers (yeah, that’s a thing), basketball again… just scroll through this Wikipedia page and you’ll get the point.
Even when she was four months pregnant, she was still playing city-league softball.
It drove her husband crazy, but what could he do? Athletics are in Val’s DNA. Plus, he didn’t want to conjure up Val’s alter ego, Vicky. She comes out when Val’s feeling particularly sassy and competitive. We haven’t seen her yet at VI, but we did catch a glimpse after our devastating loss in the championship softball game last year, which ended with one broken arm and 13 broken hearts.
Val manages all of VI’s sports teams, from soccer (R.I.P. VI Sting) to volleyball, softball and soon, flag football. We’re grateful she’s taken the charge, and we’re excited to see what sports she’ll sign us up for in the future.
Although Val and athletics go together like orange slices and halftime at a youth soccer game, she has other interests too. She loves playing board games, eating pizza and watching movies with her husband, Mitch, and their two youngsters, Evelyn and Marcus. She helps out at church, taking on the role as church secretary. And if you can’t find her slicing and dicing on the court or field, you’ll see her in the stands cheering on the Pokes.
A marketer. A sports maniac. A mom. She puts the Val in MVP.