Make Your Sponsorships Work
Last month we asked if our readers were planning on sponsoring fewer events in 2010 than they did in 2009. About half said they were, while 10% said they don't sponsor events at all.
Event sponsorships are a great marketing tool if the event attracts the same target that you want to attract.
And, if you can initiate sponsorship tactics that work for you, not just for the event. Let's be honest, the event just wants your money to offset their costs. As such, they develop their King, Prince, and Duke packages and ask you to pick one. And all interested parties do exactly that.
Not us. We take a close view at all of the event activities - from registration through the thank you notes, and find ways for our client's brand to fit in, so that they stand out. We'll still pay the package price, we just develop our own packages. And most of the time, we actually make the event better in some manner through our creative participation. And, we certainly get more for our money than the other sponsors do because we're engaging prospects in our brand.
Event sponsorships are a great marketing tool. But, you have to make them work for you first and the event second. Otherwise, your sponsorship is closer to a donation.