Meet Geraldine Lartey - VI intern
Our next blog (in a series of “new intern" posts) features Geraldine Lartey. Gearldine will be interning at VI throughout the Spring semester. Welcome aboard!
My name is Geraldine Lartey, and I’m a Senior Mass Communications-Advertising major at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, Oklahoma. I am full blood Ghanaian (Ghana, West Africa) born and raised here in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
After taking various Communications courses, I have found an interest in the Account Executive and research area of Advertising, and am planning to search for a career in that area upon graduation.
Being an Intern at VI Marketing and Branding has been an exciting experience so far. I enjoy being in such a friendly and welcoming environment while learning the information that I will need for my future.
I am the youngest of eight children so in my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and with the rest of my time I enjoy event planning and traveling. My family time is usually spent either here in Oklahoma or in Ghana, West Africa with my parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews. I will usually coordinate for any event that I come across, whether it be a gathering, party, wedding, birthday, fashion show, etc. and when traveling I like to go just about anywhere! My plan is to make it to each state on the map and possibly all around the world someday.
- Geraldine Lartey - VI Marketing and Branding