The VIth Sense - Does Dawn Look Dirty?

Author: Tim Berney
Posted: Jun 24, 2010

Topics: The VIth Sense

I have been pondering Dawn Dish Detergent since the Gulf oil disaster (using the product to clean oil off of wildlife). We wrote about them a year or so ago praising their cause marketing approach, but tying it to the utility of their product. It was no surprise to see the spots running again after the Gulf event. But, I have a sort of negative feeling about it this time around.


It seems too opportunistic and makes me feel worse about their brand. It's just too early to be taking advantage of the disaster. The fact that they make a donation for each unit sold softens the message some. But while the oil is still flowing (and it obviously will be for some time, making the marketing quandary even more complicated) it seems like a "the body isn't even cold yet" analogy.

I think a more appropriate tactic would have been to take the millions invested in TV commercial time and invest it in public relations and guerrilla tactics - working with the communities and organizations that have responded to the wildlife needs. Interested to know your thoughts- take our poll and please use the comments section as well.

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