3 SEO Insights You Need to Know
You should always optimize your website for search engines first, your users second.
Search engines are the ones that will be purchasing your products, so optimizing your site for these crawlers makes more sense.
Wait, flip that!
Last I checked, the users were the ones with the credit cards. As the search engines have become smarter, the focus in SEO has switched. You’re now able to optimize your website, providing the content and resources the user is searching for as the main priority. These smart crawlers will pick up on your sites relavency regarding the search query. How to optimize websites has consistently changed throughout the years, let’s take a look at 3 often overlooked SEO insights that will be beneficial to keep in mind when trying to attract more organic traffic to your site.
- SEO acts as an umbrella.
Did you know social media, website content, and backlinks work together to enhance your SEO campaign? As Google considers over 200+ ranking factors, it is important to revisit each factor that can essentially make or break your sites organic rank. SEO acts as a large umbrella that encompasses social media, content, linkbuilding and more. These factors act as large pieces to the puzzle that make up search engine optimization. Since each puzzle piece can contain so many details, it’s common for these pieces to be broken out into separate specialized product teams for optimization purposes. The success of the site can soar if all strategies align. - SEO is not a one time fix.
According to Moz, Google changes its search algorithm around 500-600 times each year. Therefore, ignoring or choosing not to optimize an SEO campaign can make a website completely invisible to the search engines. Being invisible in the search engine results page isn’t quite as awesome as Harry Potter using the invisible cloak. Invisibility skills in the SEO world could mean sending your potential customers into the hands of your competitors, ultimately losing revenue. - SEO’s future lies with mobile and voice search.
Mobile is the future of digital marketing. You’ve likely participated in the trend of searching more often on your mobile device, whether that be a phone or tablet. This shift in device is creating different optimization opportunities that are easy to overlook. Aim to provide a great user experience for both mobile and desktop visitors and pay attention to the user activity on the site. Understand the way your users continue to consume your content. It’s likely mobile users’ search queries are more unique than desktop users. Understanding the differences will improve your site as you can enhance each users' experience leading to the overall goal and objective of the website.
Pay attention to these top 3 SEO insights to continue improving your rank within the search engine results page, gain additional customers, and reach them at their convenience whether it’s through a mobile device or desktop, leading to your goal of driving more organic traffic or acquiring more leads for your business.
(Want to learn more about VI's SEO services? Click here!)