"Going Mobile" response for Twitter user - @7mediagroup
We were asked a question from Ron Cariker (@7mediagroup) on Twitter, “What’s @thevibrand thoughts on mbl w/ ur clients?" (In reference to a SMS campaign by Do Something - ow.ly/8xQqx)
I took the discussion to VI Marketing and Branding’s Media Group Leader Renee Harriman:
We love mobile. It’s often touted as the next big thing!
It’s an excellent way to connect with people as they are on the go living their lives - an average adult spends 65 minutes per day on their mobile device. Moving forward, mobile marketing campaigns, utilizing display ad space and video will increasingly be included in strategic plans.
While SMS (texting) is a form of reaching a mobile audience, it is by no means the only way.
We have orchestrated quite a few mobile marketing campaigns utilizing targeting capabilities such as demo, geo and lifestyle/interest verticals. Display and video banners ran across specific mobile apps and websites that reached our specific target. Mobile ads are known to garner the same recall as TV ads. Results were gauged by impressions, click-through-rates (commonly CTR) and view-through-rates (commonly VTR). VI (and especially our clients) were very pleased with the results.
In regard to targeting teens, we have a lot of experience in reaching them with campaigns we continually conduct for a few of our accounts. We utilize lots of online display and video to reach this confounding demographic. Teens spend more time online than with any other medium; specifically, online video, as it is enormously popular with this age group with 82% watching online video on a monthly basis. With more than 40% of teen mobile users owning smartphones, we have utilized mobile marketing campaigns for them as well, running across the most popular apps and mobile sites visited by teens.
- Renee Harriman, Media Group Leader - VI Marketing and Branding
Thank you to Renee for lending a voice to the conversation.
Continue engaging with us on Facebook and Twitter.
- Casey Cornett, Social Media Director - VI Marketing and Branding