How Can Google My Business Help My SEO Strategy?
First launched by Google in the summer of 2014, Google My Business gives your business the opportunity to promote on both Google Search and Google Maps, in addition to its website. By utilizing your personalized Google My Business account, you can add and update basic business information such as working hours, phone number(s) and addresses. But it doesn’t stop there! You can even connect with customers through reviews and messaging, add social media links, even post business updates as well as products and services. So, with all of these options (for FREE might I add) the question that comes to mind is - why not?!
Which then brings me to the connection between Google My Business and SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. How does Google My Business (GMB) help your SEO strategy? I’m glad you asked!
GMB gives you the ability to reach an audience outside of just your website. If you’re already familiar with SEO, I bet you’re thinking Local SEO or “off-site” (off-page) SEO.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Simply put, utilizing Local SEO platforms such as GMB not only increases your overall brand awareness, but also improves user experience (UX). But the big question here is what it can do for your SEO strategy? Well, for instance, it is at the upmost importance for local businesses with one or more location to appear on a Google map, especially on mobile. This gives users immediate access to all the information they need to contact or locate your business.
So, if your strategy is to increase call volumes organically, GMB is the way to go! Want to increase organic traffic to your menu page? GMB! Closed during upcoming holidays? GMB! You see, including Google My Business as part of your overall SEO strategy allows your business and brand to become that much closer to the user and potential customer.
Oh hey! And while you're at it, do a little investigative research of your own and check out the VI Marketing and Branding Google My Business listing. We wouldn't hate it if you left us raving review!