Online Habits of Mothers

Author: Tim Berney
Posted: May 28, 2009

According to the Marketing to Moms Coalition, e-mail is the #1 online activity by mothers with children under age 18 -- a full 85% do so. No surprise there, but some other media habits in the report include:


Overall, full-time working moms use technology at the highest rates.
The cell phone is the technology used most often by moms to communicate with their kids, and 80% say it is the direct line to their child and babysitter.
60% of moms use text messaging, and African-American moms and Hispanic moms text more than Caucasian moms.
MySpace is the most common personal networking site used by all moms (42%).

Those are huge numbers that should grab any marketer's attention and demand that online and mobile marketing be part of your mix.

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